What Does He Say About Me?

By Okon Godswill

The church is the answer to the problem of this world- Christ the Head, you the Body.

You are the ones chosen by God, chosen… to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him…you are the light of the world. 1Peter 2:9–10, Matthew 5:14.

To a great extent we have believed salvation to be all about being saved from sin to live a good life and go to heaven when we die. We see being children of God as living the life of “good” people who try as much as possible to run away from “bad” people so they do not implicate us when Jesus returns to take us to heaven and punish the rest, but this is not salvation plan at all. This is not how God wants it. You are not saved just to quit smoking, attend church services, and live a nice life. You are saved to become a saver!

From the words of that great man of God, John G. Lake, salvation is a full package in itself. It is an all-inclusive word, including all that God does for the spirit, soul, and body of man. The destruction of the consciousness of sin which is negative as well as creating a consciousness of righteousness, which is positive is the balanced action of salvation in a man’s life.

In order words, salvation is both destructive and creative at a time. It is when you stop to live the life of sin, reverse and start to live the life of righteousness you’re saved indeed. It is then you are the light. At the realization of who you are, your nature- the light, you begin to get uncomfortable with the darkness around you. 

This discomfort and the step to take regarding it is influenced by the Spirit of God in you. This is why we, the church should never be relaxed with the deep evil continuously perpetrated by the men of this world, the Spirit of God abides preeminently in us. By this your life becomes the order in the maddening chaos of this cosmos.

What on earth is the purpose of light?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16.

A man is not just saved from sin. He is sanctified by the power of God, in-filled with His Spirit, and created with and in Jesus Christ to continue the work of kingdom establishment which Jesus Himself started(Matthew 6:10).

Your purpose is to shine your light (Christ) wherever you are and whatever you do. You have become a vessel in God’s hands for His glory to fill the earth (Habbakuk 2:14). God must be glorified in you first, then through you! This is the reason we are all called out of chaos, to become order, out of faults to become solutions, out to sourness to become salt, out of darkness to become the light.

You ought to be the center of peace in all spheres of life. This has nothing to do with your race, gender, age, occupation, or anything. It is one Church, one Lord (Christ), one Spirit, and one God, the Father. You are replicator of Christ. You are His minister, His workmanship.
How do you fulfil this purpose?
By Continuous Studying Of The Bible And Yielding To The Words God Speak To You.

The word of God is living and powerful…given by the inspiration of God…that the man of God (you) may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Hebrews 4:12, 2nd Timothy 3:16–17 (Emphasis mine).

God’s word cannot be separated from Himself. His word in the scriptures is what Derek Prince called “the map” to all directions required of the light to go. A Christian needs both the written word of God (the logos) and every word that God gives (God’s spoken word- Rhema) to him at every interval of his journey. God speaks to you by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit in you. Obedience and yieldedness to the instructions of God everytime opens a man to deeper walk with God and enables him to shine his light brighter and brighter, from the candlelight to the floodlight.
By Total Submission To The Holy Spirit.

It is the Spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty that makes him intelligent. Job 32:8 MSG.

Derek Prince in his book, Rules of Engagement, called the Holy Spirit “the Guide”. This means that you have both the map (the Word) and the guide (the Spirit) to arrive at God’s given destination, His purpose. Wonderful! Isn’t that journey going to be just easy?

You cannot fulfil purpose without directions and instructions. You have been liberated from sin, not to live a carefree worthless life, but to live an impactful life of constant fellowship and communion with God. At each level of communion there is a level of light that breaks forth from within you, illuminating you and those around you. Men begin to seek you for directions and counsel because you are following God’s direction and they see God in you.

By Constant Connection With Heaven Through A Consistent Praying Life.

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 6:18, Jude verse 20.

A prayerful Christian is a victorious Christian. Prayers in the Holy Ghost (praying in tongues) builds up, maintains and sustains your spiritual stature.

 The Holy Spirit sharpens your spiritual sensitivity through prayers. He helps you to pray the mind of God in any situation. You can’t do without it. Prayers open your eyes to some truths about you or others which you may not know by a natural means. It exposes you to the supernatural, to an aura of God’s presence and glory. 

Men smell His Presence in you and locate you for counsel, guidance, instructions, or anything even when you do not open your mouth to preach or talk about Jesus.

God’s Plan for Your Life
Divine Divion of Labour (DDL)... It is like builders building a house. Some are the diggers, some are the roofers. They are all fixed for incomplete different works to arrive at a complete whole work-building a house - Florishlykpalm.

God has placed you in earth. In you are different wonderful talents, passions and skills that will move you from nadir to acme of life anywhere on this big Terrestrial Ball, shinning your light and bringing men into the light all the way.
God’s plan for your life is that which you find yourself doing in life, be it your career, business, or ministry. With time and prayerfully seeking God’s direction, you get to understand what you’re meant to do in life. It doesn’t come all at once, believe me. God unveils your plan step by step through different means. Some dive into music having seen the talent to sing and known God’s counsel concerning that, while some may be in the medical field because of the growing passion to take care of people’s health.

Look within you. What can you do? What do you have passion for? What skills do you have? Seek to know and improve on it or them, if more than one.

Not everyone is called into the palace of life. Some will be in prisons or caves for the sake of the gospel of Christ (Hebrews 11:36–38). If God calls you into ministry, seek His Face to know where. If you have the passion and zeal to serve God in the political systems, seek God for guidance. It is for one purpose we all work differently.

Be the light not the dark. Be the salt not the stink. Be the solution not the problem. Let this mind be in you first, with God, there is absolutely nothing impossible for you.

Jesus loves you more than you love yourself. If you love Him too you will accept God’s purpose and plan for your life.

Thank you for reading!

Okon Godswill is a young Christian writer. She writes motivationally and inspirationally articles, write ups, quotes, and poems. She's also a music theory analyst and choral composer.

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