Those of you that were not here on the 31st, listen to me, these are the prophecies God gave to me.
Number 1, God said those that they thought maybe they've written them off, in their family they don't even see them as somebody, He said this year, they will be somebody.
The Family that they've written off that they will not be something, person that they thought will not make it in life, they would be surprised that the person has made it.
This is that Year, and He said this is a year of grace.
What your power cannot carry, His grace Will Carry you there and another thing if two people are looking for something is one person that will have it, and that will be you, that will be me.
The Next One , He said we should pray for men of God that they should not go on timely and those that are old too, we don't want to loose them now, that should be alive to be with us.
So we will pray for men of God generally.
And God said, those that were in Christ before, some want to deviate to the other side but God will give them grace, God will give us grace not to deviate in Jesus name.
So if you see any man of God or woman of God misbehaving, please pray for the person.
And God said this year, farmers Should get ready again, it is their year again of double portion, this year it will shock you people he said this year, there will be flood but not as before, he said it last year and He is still repeating it this year that flood will come but not like before and He said that we should be careful of gas explosion, hallelujah!
Gas, if you are doing gas, if you are cooking at Home, please be careful anything Fire burn please be careful and God said we saw a young prophet, young people coming up and they place a king that is young that causes problem but is God that enthroned that young one.
But God said, if such is coming up in your community, they should not fight against such, He is the one bringing up such. If they fight against such, and shall remove the person there will be commotion in that kingdom. Amen!
So this year is a sensitive year and those that were in the idols worshipping their idols, some of them they will be tired of what they are worshipping and they may just go and die if they cannot return to God, some of them may be tired of what they are worshipping and they will die on their own.
So these are the very prophecies that came and Yes, he made mention of something, He said there will be a kind of sickness that will come like pox. He made mention that pox will be coming and if you press it you will see pox, He said don't fear, it will go.
If it is anointing oil, you will pray that prayer and it will go but am seeing it Like let me just say maybe all this heat that is coming up, so if you see your child having rashes, don't fear, so please ensure butam seeing it just like pox if you press it you will see that pox will be coming out. Just like chicken pox or all this whatever.
Please don't fear. God will be stabilising the condition if the the weather is too hot, cold time will come that is God will be submerging it or be doing.
And He said we should pray against plane crash, our people will not be involved in Jesus name.
He Said this year, people will not die Like last year, can you all hear me?
That this year people will not die Like last year although people will die but not like last year.
But by the grace of God non of our family members will dis untimely in the name of Jesus.
But it is the bad people that will be dying and many people, their secret will be exposed, if you are doing bad, be careful. The lord bless us in Jesus name.
Generally, this year is our year that you will make it, last year we dedicated a Sienna, White big Sienna that worth I think is #9.4million and we dedicated a tricycle of almost #3million and we dedicated 3 bikes last year and we dedicated house and land.
Some have become landlords those that were tenants and they are enjoying their homes. You will be a landlord, I will be a landlord.
You will be a car owner, I will be a car owner.
We will be Multi billionaires, we will be uncountonaires, we will be trillionaires in the name of Jesus.
This year will favour us in the name of Jesus.
So hold God tight this year, you will see that you will succeed beyond measure, may the lord bless us in Jesus name, so these are the very prophecies that came in 31st of December 2024/2025, when we were doing our Cross over night, may the lord bless us in Jesus name
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